Fun Facts
- Fun fact about yourself that you want to share
- Fun fact or something
- Anything
- You can put anything here, no matter how long/crazy it is
My friends say that I am the “clown” in any party since I usually do the jokes and make the crowd laugh their hearts out. I have been into cars since I was still young(er), from street racing to car shows or anything with wheels on it. But now I slowed down after having sons. Family has always been my motivation and inspiration in life. I am a very adventurous person and will do all I can to learn new things that interests me.
I basically do all the video editing stuff that is assigned to me. I make sure that the final output is what the client wants for their product. Aside from that, once final video is uploaded in youtube, I make sure that it is optimized for it to rank high and be a boost for the client’s product.
A lot. To name a few, I think of ways to make my car a bit better in terms of function and form. If I am not making my car look better, I am booked for an event or wedding coverage which has been my passion for years either capturing moments or editing the video for a Same-Day-Edit presentation at the reception. Beating the intense pressure of making a great 4-minute video that the crowd loves, is the best adrenaline rush ever. But as a family man, I make sure to spend a quality time with my wife and sons, the most that I can.
Having finished school is the one achievement that I am proud of. When I was working for an airline company, I was lucky enough to be trained as a Ramp Agent which is tasked for the safety and security of an aircraft that costs millions of dollars each. Yes, the passenger and crew’s lives were at my hands every time. But the best of my achievement by far is being a great dad to my 2 sons and a loving partner to my wife.